Holiday Baskets

Interested in being a Provider?

Remember when you were a kid and the whole family got together around the holidays? Remember how good the food was? Remember how your Mom or Grandma or maybe even your Dad or Grandpa, spent all day cooking so the whole family could sit down together, share, and be thankful.  Well without your help, kids like Sam, Jose, and Dominique might not have that experience this year. 

UCOM does our best to ensure that every family that signs up for a holiday basket will receive one.  And while we always made it by before, the combination of the ever growing need and the fact that several organizations that have been big providers in the past can’t help this year means that the need for providers is greater than ever.   

Being a Holiday Basket provider is a simple act that can make a huge difference in a family's life. For just under $100 you can purchase everything necessary for a family to be able to prepare their own Holiday meal.

If you or someone you know is interested in being a basket provider this Holiday season please call us at 616.241.4006. We are currently in need of providers for Christmas and Thanksgiving baskets.

You can find a list of suggested foods to include in your Holiday Basket here. You can also find some general information about being a Basket Provider here.

If you'd like to help but can't do a basket, UCOM needs gift cards to local grocery stores in $10 increments to help families purchase food for their own holiday meals!

If you would like to provide a Holiday Basket for a family outside of the UCOM service area you can contact the Heart of West Michigan United Way's 211 hotline 1-800-887-1107 or by going to their website.