Bruce's Blog


Showing all posts by tag "relationships"

Helping People to Flourish

May 16th, 2017

Breaking poverty’s grip, ending economic oppression. Those are two noble goals. They may also be too big for me. I’ve thought a lot lately about WHY. Why is UCOM here? Why am I at UCOM? What are our goals?


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Thoughts on Toxic Charity by Robert Lupton: Part 4

May 12th, 2014

Part 4 in a 4 part series

In my first couple of posts in this series I wrote about 10 principles of Lupton’s book Toxic Charity with which I agree. In Part 3 I wrote of the broad statements that seem to me to go too far. Here are a...

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Thoughts on Toxic Charity by Robert Lupton: Part 3

April 28th, 2014

Part 3 in a 4 part series

The devil's in the details

In my past couple of blogs I wrote about 10 principles of Lupton’s book Toxic Charity with which I agree. Now to the areas where I think Robert Lupton may go too far.


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Courageous Compassion

June 10th, 2013

Connecting with another is always risky. It's more than being known by the company we keep. Connecting goes deeper than the superficial, "What will the neighbors think?" Compassion is more than pity. It is empathy--feeling with. "I know how you...

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