Bruce's Blog


UCOM facing a crisis

September 21st, 2023

UCOM is currently facing the most significant financial hurdles of our nearly 40-year history. For the first time, the future of the organization, and the support you help provide to those in need, is in jeopardy.

Serious challenges lie ahead for UCOM and our neighbors and only you can help us rise to meet them.

The Bible in both testaments makes it clear that food is a basic right for everyone. The Jewish prophets and Jesus proclaim that making food accessible is our responsibility. This is the groundwork for UCOM’s social justice activity. At UCOM we live and breathe social justice and social responsibility. We must be here for our neighbors, and we must look to you as individuals for your generosity if we are to continue this ministry.

For 37 years UCOM has lived and been present for our neighbors because of generous contributions from people like you. Our current financial situation; however, challenges us to form a much larger community effort. Our neighbors need you—all of you as churches and as individuals—to form a covenant of mutual support that will see them through this crisis…and will sustain them far into the future until our services are no longer needed.

Thousands of people in our service area are facing critical needs right now--needs that are as crushing as any blows in history…yet they are not crushed. The people with whom we work are loaded with assets. They are intelligent, resourceful, resilient, and determined. They flourish in the midst of barriers that would bury many others.

While many businesses and non-profits had to cease serving, UCOM did not suspend our services even for one day. No one was turned away from our doors. 

That means that during the height of the pandemic and currently we—you and UCOM--working together provided more than 400,000 nutritious meals to enhance the quality of life for ALL of our neighbors. Your return on investment is nowhere higher than at UCOM.

With your help and extra grants from the government and other philanthropists UCOM made it through the worst of the pandemic intact. At the end of 2022, those special funds dried up. Here we are nearing the end of 2023 and UCOM’s viability is precarious.

Today is your opportunity to become vital to the story of food justice in Kent County. We need lives transformed and communities transformed. WE need to be transformed.

What can you give today to move this effort forward? Do you have some time to volunteer? 

Can you make a donation? $100 feeds 100 children. Maybe you’d like to give a recurring donation to help even more people. 


Please consider making a donation today. UCOM needs you now more than ever.



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