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Schools of Hope: Fostering a Passion for Learning

March 18th, 2011

A few days ago students in UCOM's Schools of Hope after school tutoring program were treated to the pinnacle of elementary school revelry; an in class pizza party. The students had earned the right to have the party because of their hard work and good behavior. Before the party the students were given a choice: they could either watch a movie as a group or play games together. The movie won out and everyone settled in to watch. However, after a while a strange thing happened. Several of the students approached their teacher, Ms. Katie, and asked if they could do something else: "We just want to read Ms. Katie." said the students, "Can't we just go read?"  So off the students went to a quiet corner of the room and sat and read while the rest of the class watched a movie.


#1 Bruce Roller said:

Now that's indicative of the contagious excitement for learning of which educators dream. Homework House and Schools of Hope are obviously on the right track with these kinds of outcomes! Congratulations to Ms. Katie and Ms. Rosa for making learning fun!

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